For those who lead, teach, preach, counsel others, give advice, recommend, advocate, facilitate and sometimes potentate – we can’t afford to “aim low” when it comes to knowing more about what we need to know. The world around us changes rapidly and constantly, and in order for us to effectively communicate with that world, we must have some understanding of it. We need to be passionate in our evangelism and church growth efforts, but the success of those efforts often depends on our knowledge about the changing world and the use of relevant methodology. The same is true in areas like preaching, worship, pastoral leadership, pastoral care, and many others. We are continually challenged by the emergence of new worship styles, new ways of communicating the gospel, new homiletical models, and new models administration and pastoral care. So, pastoral leaders and congregations are encouraged to take seriously these focus areas and our district seeks to assist in helping pastors find, participate in and keep records of continuing education.


Annual Conference directs that a pastoral leader is expected to complete work in at least five (5) of the following eight (8) focus areas during the five-year interval between ordination reviews:

  1. Biblical Studies
  2. Spiritual Hardiness
  3. Pastoral Leadership
  4. Preaching & Worship
  5. Evangelism & Church Growth
  6. Pastoral Care
  7. Special Ministry Areas
  8. General Enrichment

This will give the pastoral leader a minimum of five (5) CEUs (50 contact hours) during the stated period. A CEU is equal to ten (10) contact hours of work with an accredited institution approved by the District Ministry Commission. Continuing education for part-time and bi-vocational pastors will need to take into account the pastoral/congregational agreement and be pro-rated to satisfy the agreement.

We want to do everything we can to assist pastors to reach this goal by 2020. We will provide information about courses being offered and ways to complete them, but it will remain the responsibility of each pastor to find and complete the work.

CEU Notation: The district does not grant CEU credit for personal study and/or self-designed experiences you have had and/or books you have react It is the minister’s responsibility to secure a CEU certificate, letter of Verification, and/or authentication document for completed training, seminars or workshops, or learning experiences offered by the presenting organization. This verification should always state the number of hours of the training – 10 hours of training equals 1.0 CEU credit. Please take personal initiative to become a life-long learner and increasingly effective minister of the Gospel.

Para aquellos que lideran, enseñan, predican, aconsejan a otros, dan consejos, recomiendan, abogan, facilitan y, a veces, potencian: no podemos permitirnos “apuntar bajo” cuando se trata de saber más sobre lo que necesitamos saber. a nuestro alrededor cambia rápida y constantemente, y para que podamos comunicarnos de manera efectiva con ese mundo, debemos tener cierta comprensión de él. Debemos ser apasionados en nuestros esfuerzos de evangelización y crecimiento de la iglesia, pero el éxito de esos esfuerzos a menudo depende de nuestra conocimiento sobre el mundo cambiante y el uso de la metodología pertinente. Lo mismo ocurre en áreas como la predicación, el culto, el liderazgo pastoral, el cuidado pastoral y muchos otros. Estamos continuamente desafiados por la aparición de nuevos estilos de adoración, nuevas formas de comunicar la evangelio, nuevos modelos homiléticos y nuevos modelos de administración y cuidado pastoral. ipar y mantener registros de educación continua.

La Conferencia Anual indica que se espera que un líder pastoral complete el trabajo en al menos cinco (5) de las siguientes ocho (8) áreas de enfoque durante el intervalo de cinco años entre las revisiones de ordenación.

Áreas de Enfoque de la Educación Continua: (PDF páginas 5-7)

  1. Estudios Bíblicos.
  2. Resistencia espiritual.
  3. El Liderazgo Pastoral.
  4. Predicación y adoración.
  5. Evangelización y Crecimiento de la Iglesia.
  6. El Cuidado Pastoral.
  7. Áreas Especiales del Ministerio.
  8. Enriquecimiento General.

Esto le dará al líder pastoral un mínimo de cinco (5) CEU (50 horas de contacto) durante el período indicado. Un CEU equivale a diez (10) horas de trabajo de contacto con una institución acreditada aprobada por la Comisión Ministerial del Distrito. La educación continua para pastores de medio tiempo y bi-vocacionales deberá tomar en cuenta el acuerdo pastoral / congregacional y ser prorrateada para cumplir con el acuerdo.

Queremos hacer todo lo posible para ayudar a los pastores a alcanzar esta meta para el 2020. Proporcionaremos información sobre los cursos que se ofrecen y las formas de completarlos, pero seguirá siendo responsabilidad de cada pastor encontrar y completar el trabajo.

Notación CEU: El distrito no otorga crédito CEU por estudio personal y / o experiencias de diseño propio que haya tenido y / o libros que haya reaccionado Es responsabilidad del ministro obtener un certificado CEU, carta de verificación y / o documento de autenticación para capacitación completa, seminarios o talleres, o experiencias de aprendizaje ofrecidas por la organización presentadora. Esta verificación siempre debe indicar la cantidad de horas de capacitación: 10 horas de capacitación equivalen a 1.0 crédito CEU. Tome la iniciativa personal para convertirse en un aprendiz de por vida y un ministro cada vez más eficaz del Evangelio.

PSWD offers CEUs for ordained ministers who offer leadership within the District, believing that participation leads to the growth of the minister who participates, enriching their skills and contacts for ministry in ways different than academic courses. Whether serving on the District Board, a Commission, a Committee/Task Force, or as Moderator, our District offers 0.3 units yearly in the area of “general enrichment.”
Ministry Commission Minutes, 1/13/2017, item 8.B.1.


Other professional growth events that do not offer CEUs, but offer education in the pastor’s desired area of interest – seminars, workshops, lectures, classes, etc. The pastor may secure CEUs for these experiences with approval from her/his church board or leadership group, a note from the minutes of the board/group indicating the approval, a flyer from the event, a copy of the schedule of the event, and a letter indicating how many “contact hours” were spent at the event. (One CEU is equal to ten (10) contact hours.)
  • Ideas for this area are often on institution calendars and other offerings, check the Resource Web Pages listed at the “top” of this page.