Standing Committee Delegate(s)
- Term 2027 Delegate Shawn Carothers (Circle of Peace)
- Term 2025 Alternate Kim Boardman (Modesto)
The home churches of persons listed above, are in brackets, i.e. (Glendale)
District Conference Committees
From the District Bylaws, 2021 ed. Article II. Section J. pages 6-7 J. Standing committee Delegate(s). Delegate(s) are elected by; the District Conference to represent the district on the Annual Conference Standing Committee. The directives of Annual Conference as described in “Manual of Organization and Polity 2001” pages 15-17 are followed to determine their eligibility, the number allowed, and the length of their term.
- Eligibility: Any member of the Church of the Brethren may serve the district on Standing Committee if that member has been in the district for one year, fulfills the qualifications as set forth by; Annual Conference, and is not a member of the General Board or its program staff or an executive/minister or associate executive/minister of the district. In choosing Standing Committee delegates, districts should give consideration to members of the district board and other people who are actively involved in the district program – including both ministers and lay people.
- Qualifications: (a) Consecrated Christian living in home, church and community. (b) Faithful service in local church and district. (c) Loyalty to the ideals and the program of the Church of the Brethren. (d) A working knowledge and understanding of the Church of the Brethren and its program of ministries. (e) Ability to exercise mature judgment in the solution of denominational problems.
- Membership: Members of Standing Committee shall be elected by; their respective districts to serve a term of three years and are eligible for re-election to one additional term of three years following a full or partial term of service on Standing Committee. After such service, former members will be ineligible to serve for a period of four years. Upon transfer to another district, Standing Committee members who have not served a term for three Conferences will be replaced by the district they were originally chosen to represent. To them as well as their successors the ineligibility rule will apply. When an alternate Standing Committee delegate takes the place of a regular delegate, the alternate shall continue to serve the remainder of the term in order to provide continuity. The alternate(s) will be elected.
- Responsibilities: The Standing Committee has nominating, legislative, judicial, and envisioning responsibilities. The PSWD Standing Committee delegate is expected to interpret the decisions and recommendations of Annual Conference to the District Conference in a written report. Standing Committee delegate(s) serve as ex-officio member(s) of the Policy Board without vote.