This quarterly paper newsletter through the post office has items of broad interest. Subscribe to the monthly email newsletter for timely information about coming events. Anyone can read the print newsletter with this link. If you wish to see newsletters from before 2017, please follow the link Past Newsletters. We expect that all of our board members and credentialed ministers will enjoy this and support us in prayer.
About once a month we send out the Newlife Email or Bulletin Bits: Current events, items for your newsletter, and more. We use “MyEmma” to send our email newsletters, which has an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom. If you unsubscribe by accident, call the office for help signing back up 909-406-5368. We expect that all of our board members and credentialed ministers will enjoy this and support us in prayer.
Memo to Ministers
Our District Executive Minister prepares items for our ministers. If you unsubscribe by accident, call the office for help signing back up 909-406-5368. We expect that all of our board members and credentialed ministers will enjoy this and support us in prayer.
Join our list / Inscribase! to sign up for one of our newsletters. All of our newsletters are free. Based on time spent in content creation, mailing/printing costs, email subscription software/service fees, etc., PSWD spends about $10 each for the 1,300 people worshiping in a district church each Sunday. Bulletin or newsletter “Subscription” in PDF Format that you can easily reprint.
Editor: Administrative Assistant
Publisher: District Executive Minister
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