Ministerial Ethics Committee

Ministerial Ethics Committee, Board of Administration

Five year appointments, January 1 to December 31

  • #2024 Bob Morris (Glendora)
  • #2025 Eric Bishop (La Verne)
  • 2026 Shawn Carothers (Circle of Peace)
  • 2027 Carrie Cesar (San Diego)
  • Ex-Officio

    Alternate for District Executive Minister to convene a case when the District Executive Minister is not available.

The home churches of persons listed above, are in brackets, i.e. (Glendale)

District Board of Administration

From Ethics In Ministry Relations 2008 Article IV. Section A. page 10 The Ethics Committee consists of three to five people with a balance of gender and ethnicity plus the district executive/minister. Under the auspices of the district ministry commission, the ethics committee will participate in regular training on ministerial ethics and the process. The ethics committee receives recommendations from the assessment team. When the recommendation is to pursue a formal complaint, it conducts a review meeting and makes decisions about the disposition of cases, except in instances concerning termination of ordination or license. Where termination is recommended, final decisions must be made by the district board or ministry commission as stated in the denominational polity. It is also responsible for follow-up, monitoring progress toward resolution for all parties involved, and establishing an endpoint for the case. With the exception of any delegated follow-up procedures, the ethics committee’s findings and recommendations constitute the church’s official resolution of the case. Any member of the ethics committee who cannot be fair for any reason, or whose participation may give rise to the appearance of unfairness, should excuse him/herself from the committee, be excused by the majority vote of the other committee members, or be removed by the district executive/minister or designated alternate.