District Board

District Board Components

November 11, 2023 to November 12, 2024
  • Ex-Officio with vote (members chosen by the Board of Administration)
    • Board Chair Jeremiah Irizarry (Empire)
    • Board Vice-Chair Gail Heisel (La Verne)
    • Ministry Commission Chair Julia Wheeler (Pomona)
    • Stewards Commission Chair Jonas Funderburk (Glendale)
  • Ex-Officio with vote (chosen by District Conference)
    • Moderator Paul Lovelace (Pomona Fellowship)
    • Moderator-Elect Norma Sexton (Prince of Peace)
  • Ex-Officio without vote
    • District Executive Minister Russ Matteson 909-406-5370

The home churches of persons listed are in brackets, i.e. (Glendale)

See the District Bylaws, 2021 ed. Article III. Section H. pages 9-10

November 11, 2023 to November 12, 2024
  • Chair chosen by Policy Board, Members chosen by Executive Board
    • Chair: Julia Wheeler (Pomona Fellowship)
    • Vice Chair: Jon Chubb (Papago Buttes)
    • Secretary: Ruth Rivera (Príncipe de Paz)
    • Fernanda Navarrete (Pasadena)
    • Michael Monson (Modesto)
  • Ex-Officio members
    • Moderator: Paul Lovelace (with vote)
    • District Executive Minister: Russ Matteson (909-460-5370 (without vote)
  • Invited Guests (without vote)
    • Board Chair: Jeremiah Irizarry (Empire) 

The home churches of persons listed are in brackets, i.e. (Glendale)

See the District Bylaws, 2021 ed. Article III. Section I.8. page 10

November 11, 2023 to November 12, 2024
  • Chair chosen by Policy Board, Members chosen by Executive Board
    • Chair: Jonas Funderburk (Glendale)
    • Vice-Chair: Dean Sabo (Circle of Peace)
    • Secretary: Jim LeFever (Glendale)
    • Gail Heisel (La Verne)
  • Ex-Officio members
    • Moderator: Paul Lovelace (Pomona Fellowship)(with vote)
    • Treasurer Karin Heckman Nelson (La Verne)(with vote)
    • District Executive Minister: Russ Matteson (909-460-5370)(without vote)
  • Invited Guests (without vote)
    • Board Chair: Jeremiah Irizarry (Empire)

The home churches of persons listed are in brackets, i.e. (Glendale)

See the District Bylaws, 2021 ed. Article III. Section I.9. page 11

Task Groups as defined by the Executive Board & Annual Conference

Group Fellowships are subject to the coordination and concern of the District and accountable to the Board.

Contact District Office for contact information  FrontDesk@pswdcob.org

Board of Administration Members:

Members elected by District Conference for November 11, 2023 to November 9, 2024
The home churches of persons listed are in brackets, i.e. (Glendale)
  1. Board Chair Jeremiah Irizarry (Empire)
  2. Board Vice-Chair Gail Heisel (La Verne)
  3. Recording Secretary Laura Miller (Papago Buttes)
  4. Jonas Funderburk (Glendale)
  5. Bill Himes (La Verne)
  6. Dean Sabo (Circle of Peace) — Section Rep: Arizona
  7. Richard Keeling (Bakersfield) — Section Rep: Central CA
  8. Jim Lefever (Glendale) — Section Rep: S. CA, West
  9. Michael Monson (Modesto) — Section Rep: N. CA
  10. Ruth Rivera (Príncipe de Paz) — Section Rep: S. CA, East
  11. Fernanda Navarrete (Pasadena) 
  12. Jon Chubb (Papago Buttes)
  13. Arnoldo Mendoza (Los Banos)
  14. Julia Wheeler (Pomona Fellowship)
  15. Madison McMillin (Papago Buttes) — Youth/Young Adult Representative
  • Moderator: Paul Lovelace (Pomona Fellowship)
  • Moderator-Elect: Norma Sexton (Prince of Peace)
  • Clerk: Laura Miller (Papago Buttes)
  • Treasurer: Karin Heckman Nelson (La Verne)
  • District Executive Minister: Russ Matteson 909-406-5370
  • Standing Committee Representative: Shawn Carothers (Circle of Peace)

District Board of Administration:
Duties, Role and Responsibility

District Bylaws, 2021 ed. Article III. Sections A.-I. pages 7-10

The purpose of the District Board of Administration is to manage and administer the religious and business activities of the District as authorized by the District Conference. The District Board of Administration is comprised of the Policy Board and the Executive Board. The Executive Board is the legal agent of the District and is empowered to act on behalf of the District ad interim except for those actions specifically reserved for the District Conference or the Policy Board as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.

The Policy Board consists of thirteen (13) regular members (3 year terms) and up to three (3) youth / young adult members (1 year terms) elected by the District Conference with one regular member from each section and the remaining members at-large. Board members elected as sectional representatives need to reside in the section they represent. The Moderator, Moderator-elect, Treasurer and Clerk serve as ex-officio members with vote. The Executive Minister(s) and Standing Committee delegate(s) serve as ex-officio members without vote. Mission & Ministry Board member(s) residing within the District are invited to attend Policy Board meetings.

A Policy Board member must be a member of a Church of the Brethren congregation within the district for at least one year prior to election and must have demonstrated leadership ability. Youth members must be at least 15 years old and less than 24 years old as of December 31 of the year elected.

The term of service is three years. Filling an unexpired term does not constitute a full term. A member is entitled to serve two consecutive full terms. The term of service for youth / young adult members is one year with a maximum of 3 consecutive full terms.

It is expected that Policy Board members will maintain attendance at Policy Board meetings. If a member misses three consecutive meetings, the Executive Board should consider declaring the position vacant and appointing a replacement to fill the vacancy.

The Policy Board is organized annually, under the direction of the incoming Moderator, following election by the District Conference. The Policy Board selects from its elected members a chair, vice chair and the chairs of the Stewards and Ministry commissions. Some members of the Policy Board, excluding the Moderator, Clerk and the Board Chair, are assigned to commissions. The Executive Minister(s) and Moderator are ex-officio members of all commissions. The Treasurer meets with the Stewards Commission.

  1. The Chair. The chair performs all duties ordinarily pertaining to the office and other duties that may be assigned by the Policy Board and these Bylaws and serves on the Nominating Committee and is an invited guest without vote on all committees of the Board and the District Conference Program Committee.
  2. The Vice-Chair. The Vice Chair performs all duties and has all authority of the Chair when the Chair is absent and performs other duties as may be assigned by the Policy Board or Executive Board. The vice-chair may serve on a commission but not as a commission chair. The Vice Chair may be requested to record the Executive Board minutes.
  3. The Treasurer. The Treasurer accounts for all District funds received and disburses same as authorized by the Executive Board;
    1. Makes written reports available to meetings of the Board;
    2. Makes written reports available to meetings of the Policy Board and the Executive Board;
    3. Serves as Chief Financial Officer of the corporation.
  4. The Recording Secretary. The Clerk functions as Recording Secretary, recording all Policy Board proceedings. The clerk also performs other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board.
  5. The Policy Board meets at least 4 times per year:
    1. At District Conference to organize and elect officers.
    2. Three meetings to define and review the overall district direction and program and to review the actions of the Executive Board.
    3. Meetings may occur in-person, virtually, or in a hybrid format. Members are counted towards quorum with either in-person or virtual participation, if those systems are open for all who wish to participate.
  1. The Policy Board shall maintain unity within the district and establish an overall vision for the district by fellowshipping, worshiping, praying, sharing and discerning together God’s will for the PSWD.
  2. Review the actions of the Executive Board to ensure they comply with the directives of District Conference and the vision developed by the Policy Board.
  3. Have the sole authority for employment of the District Executive Minister(s). Changes to the employment status of the District Executive Minister(s) require a 2/3 quorum of the voting members of the Policy Board.
  4. Be a source of leadership for Task Groups / Commissions established by the Executive Board.

The Executive Board is composed of the Board Chair, Vice-Chair, Ministry Commission Chair and Stewards Commission Chair. Officers are Chair and Vice-Chair. The Moderator and Moderator-elect serve as ex-officio members with vote. The District Executive Minister(s), serve as ex-officio member(s) without vote.

  1. The Executive Board is the legal agent of the District and is empowered to act on behalf of the District ad interim except for those actions specifically reserved for the District Conference or the Policy Board as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.
  2. The Executive Board reviews the Executive Minister(s) on at least an annual basis and establishes annual salary and benefits of the Executive Minister(s);
  3. Recommends employment and termination of the Executive Minister(s) subject to approval of the Policy Board and in consultation with the Director of District Ministries; and reviews executive staff employment contracts;
  4. Fills any vacancy which may occur in the Policy Board, District Conference officers or other elected offices when provisions for filling such a vacancy are not specifically stated;
  5. Fulfills the directives of the District Conference and makes an annual report to the Conference;
  6. Assigns, defines and interprets responsibilities of the commissions;
  7. Decides the number of members on each commission depending on size of work load;
  8. Creates and dissolves Task Groups when the direction of the District makes it valuable;
  9. Projects long-range planning, sets goals, and initiates new program in harmony with decisions of the District Conference and the vision of the Policy Board;
  10. Promotes and administers the total church program in the District;
  11. Defines the number of and geographical boundaries of the sections of the District;
  12. Acts regarding employment of district staff;
  13. Has custody of and manages all District capital funds, endowments and annuities, or arranges for such custody and management;
  14. Holds title to District properties;
  15. Negotiates the purchase and sale of property and the borrowing and lending of money on behalf of the District;
  16. Allocates and defines authority with respect to the establishment of bank accounts and the signing of checks;
  17. Prepares the District budget for presentation to the District Conference;
  18. Provides for an annual audit to be done by a public accounting firm and submits the audit to District Conference;
  19. Arranges for bonding of persons handling large sums of money, in an amount set by the Executive Board;
  20. Receives, considers and responds to concerns brought by individuals or church groups;
  21. Brings queries and other business items to the District Conference and processes queries from local churches for District Conference action;
  22. Acts on recommendations from the Ministry Commission regarding nominees for ordination;
  23. Acts regarding new church plants;
  24. Appoints committees and makes appointments;
  25. Annually appoints a Treasurer from outside its membership;
  26. Affirms commission appointments.
  1. Each commission selects from its elected members a vice chair and secretary;
  2. Maintains and reviews annually a list of specific responsibilities as outlined in the Bylaws or assigned by the Executive Board;
  3. Establishes job descriptions for positions accountable to the commission;
  4. Prepares an annual budget request and submits it to the Stewards Commission;
  5. Reports activities, needs and special opportunities to the Executive Board;
  6. Recommends for Executive Board approval persons and committees to perform specific responsibilities related to the commission; and
  7. Works cooperatively with the other commission, Task Groups and staff to promote the programs of the church.
  8. Ministry Commission.
    1. The Ministry Commission gives counsel and guidance to all ministerial matters in the District;
    2. Counsels and assists churches and individuals in extending and receiving calls to the ministry, becoming equipped and trained for ministry, and licensing and ordaining ministers;
    3. Annually reviews the status of licensed and ordained ministers and lay speakers in the District and makes recommendations to the Executive Board regarding any change in status;
    4. Seeks ways to strengthen the relationships and understanding between congregations and pastors;
    5. Encourages and assists pastors in their professional and personal growth.
    6. Along with the local congregation, the Ministry Commission in behalf of the Board, has the authority for licensing persons to the ministry and for overseeing their nurture in the process of preparing for ordination.
    7. The Ministry Commission reviews all applications for ordination to the ministry and makes recommendations to the Executive Board. The Commission shall proceed with ordination when the Executive Board and local congregation vote approval.
  9. Stewards Commission.
    1. The Stewards Commission aids and challenges the churches and other District groups to be faithful stewards of God-given resources;
    2. Promotes programs of general stewardship education and enlistment;
    3. Encourages support for the general work of the board, commissions, and Task Groups and for specific projects;
    4. Supervises the financial interests of the district;
    5. Safeguards and utilizes the property, assets and equipment of the District; and
    6. Recommends the annual budget.
  10. Task Groups as defined by the Executive Board
    1. Task Groups are responsible to strengthen and revitalize congregations in part by:
      (1) Supporting spiritual formation
      (2) Enhancing worship
      (3) Providing opportunities for training lay persons
      (4) Counseling and coordinating age and interest groups
      (5) Working cooperatively with related organizations on matters of religious program and leadership
      (6) Encouraging fellowship opportunities among the churches
      (7) Encouraging congregations to act on social concerns and support missions at home and abroad.
    2. Task Groups provide opportunities for training lay church leaders and workers;
      (1) Promote the camping programs;
      (2) Oversee the Center for Brethren studies, encouraging ongoing education for lay persons, persons working towards licensing or ordination and continuing education for ministers; and
      (3) Help congregations to identify, call out and train new leaders.
    3. Task Groups provide the necessary resources (prayer, training, and oversight) to encourage and equip congregations and leaders to respond to the harvest God is giving them by launching new missions, congregations and ministries. Always keeping Matthew 9:35 – 10:2 in mind, oversee the following areas:
      (1) The training, coaching, and accountability for church planters.
      (2) The encouragement of projects and fellowships and their leaders until the time they become congregations in the PSW District.
      (3) The encouragement of congregations, fellowships and projects in their efforts to reach out to their communities seeking to offer God’s love in ways that bring them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
      (4) The calling out, training, educating and otherwise developing leaders who can reach across boundaries in the form of a servant sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
      (5) The education, training, and networking for congregational mission projects recognizing mission is a necessary act of discipleship.
      (6) Recommend Church Planters to the Executive Board for approval.