Ethics Seminar Registration

Ministerial Ethics Training

Deadline: Register by October 1, 2024
Cost: $20 which includes lunch and resource book
Trainers: Ramón Torres will be the trainer for the Spanish session. Nancy Heishman will be the trainer for the English session.
What it is: As part of the 5 year ordination review coming up in 2025, each ordained minister must complete an Ethics Training event. Licensed ministers are also required to attend this training. Members of the Ministry Commission, NACC, and the Ministerial Ethics Committee are strongly encouraged to attend.
Course info: Ministerial Ethics Training session in our district will take place prior to District Conference. The training is 6 hours. There will be a one hour lunch break with food provided on-site. The workbook for this course is Ethics for the Set-Apart Ministry - Advanced Course, by James Benedict, it will be provided at the training. Certificates will be emailed to attendees soon after the training.

Child Care
Retired? Retired ministers must attend, if your activities for the next 5 years may include:
1. Those serving in local church leadership positions
2. Those engaged in teaching ministries at any level
3. Those involved in wider church ministries - district, national, or ecumenical
4. Those with a social media ministry
5. Those holding part-time volunteer ministerial positions at any level
Payment Type: *