Paradise Fire

Before-After Fire

Paradise Church of the Brethren, before and after the Camp Fire. (click for large size)

New York Times Photo Essay 12/26/2018

See aerial and local photos as residents return to see their town. (Link) to article.

Prayers for Paradise and Butte County

November 29, 2018 Update

Rains over the Thanksgiving weekend helped firefighters reach 100% containment and extinguish the Camp Fire. Joel Price (District Stewards Chair) and I visited Pastor Melvin Campbell and his wife Jane on November 28. They, as is the case with so many of those displaced, are trying to figure out what steps to take next. At this time persons are still not being allowed back into Paradise to see if anything can be salvaged from homes that have been destroyed. Continue to hold folks in your prayers as they move forward and seek healing and answers.
Russ Matteson

Paradise Church of the Brethren, Lost in Fire

The Camp Fire, which is still burning in Butte County, overran the town of Paradise and other smaller communities on Thursday, November 8. Lost in the fire were all of the buildings on the property of the Paradise Church of the Brethren which includes the main facility and sanctuary, the parsonage, youth building, and two rental cottages. All persons who were a part of the congregation did get out of Paradise safely and are now living with relatives in other parts of northern California. The congregation’s membership was very small, as was the case with The Rock Fellowship which had been renting space from them and sharing in worship and ministry for the last many years. In the face of this devastation the congregation has let the district know that they will not continue in ministry.
There is a need for us to provide support in spiritual and material ways to the Brethren who were affected by the fire. People have lost their homes and their possessions as the fire came up so quickly there was not time to grab much before the need to evacuate. The PSWD will be receiving donations to provide direct support to help with the needs of the pastor and members of the Paradise congregation as they seek to recover.

Make a Donation:

  • By Credit Card with this Donation Link on the 2nd screen use “Add special instructions” and mark “Paradise Fire”
  • By Check mailed to: PSWD COB, PO Box 760, Glendora CA 91740-0760 and check memo “Paradise Fire”
Brethren Disaster Ministries is also involved in responding to needs and a Children’s Disaster Services team is now in Chico providing childcare as families begin to request assistance. By clicking on this PDF link you can read about the situation and how you can contribute to both the short and long term needs through the Church of the Brethren Emergency Disaster Fund.
We encourage you to remember all those affected by this, and other wildfires, in your prayers. Also, keep the first responders who continue to fight the fire, ensure safety, search for the missing and deceased, and so much more in your prayers.
Russ Matteson, District Executive Minister