Each congregation pays $200 (Link to arrange payment of the $200) This one fee covers conference participation for the church’s delegates and any other church members. Fee should be paid by September 15, 2023.
Delegate Credential Form is completed by the local church to name the delegate(s) from their congregation (each church is entitled to at least 4 delegates). This lets the district know who is authorized to represent the church in voting at the District Conference. Delegates will receive emails with information for them to register for the conference. This form should be completed by September 15, 2023.
Individual Registration: All people who plan to participate in the District Conference need to complete an individual registration form. Delegates and non-delegates, on-site or zoom based participants, everyone who plans to attend needs to register. Registration will open on September 6 and close on October 17. There is no fee to register, but there are costs associated with meals that an individual may sign up for.